Tuesday, March 8, 2011

it finally happened.

Tahereh just announced the release of her debut novel--the first in a trilogy!!!! to see her entire post (if you haven't already), click here. to pre-order her book, Shatter Me, on Amazon (release date: Nov 15th, 2011) click here.

i can't wait!!! CONGRATS to Tahereh!!!


  1. I'm so happy for her. Her blog's the epitome of awesomeness, and I'm sure her book will be the same!

  2. Ooh, I love T!! Thanks for sharing the info!!

  3. oh, you are too wonderful. <3333

  4. Emy--i feel exactly the same way :) go Tahereh!

    SA Larsen--no problem!!

    Tahereh--CONGRATS!!! i've been waiting to hear this news for a year! ;)

  5. Whoo hoo! Yay Tahereh! I'm off to check out her post right now! Well okay, after the word verification. ;)

  6. You've won something from the Critique Sisters Corner! Please drop by, we need your email!


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