Friday, August 6, 2010

goal-setting friday

hey everybody! sorry i missed this post last week--but nothing interesting to report. unless keeping a journal counts, i failed dismally on my write-every-day goal, lol. oh well! vacation was just too demanding!

i just finished the small project i was working on, so my new goal is just to figure out what i want to work on now (pick between several different projects...) and work on that. simple, right?

okay, YOUR TURN! what is one thing (writing or reading-related) that you want to accomplish by next friday? it could be a word-count, a daily goal, a page-number goal, a number of books read/reviewed goal, anything! the whole purpose of a goal is by the end of the week, you can look back and say, "yeah, i accomplished that this week." it's nice to know, and it gives you a clear purpose--it doesn't even matter if you make your goal or not! (although i think writers are generally over-achievers, so we're going to try, right?)

what's YOUR goal?

don't forget to check out S. A. Larsen's Weekly Check-In Challenge, also starting today! head over to the Impetus Room if you haven't already. and have a wonderful writer-y weekend!


  1. I'm forcing myself to keel the last 250 pages of this book. The first chapter lied to me promising funny witty lines that did not hold up down the line.

  2. Goals help SO MUCH with productivity!
    My goal: get through rewrites for chapts 6 and 7.

  3. awesome goals! good luck with them this week, and have a good weekend!!

  4. Thanks for keeping the Impetus Room alive, Kari. I'll be unplugging all next week--first time in two years. Vacation, but I think it will rejuvenate my writing. I'm still hoping to glitter up my opening chapter. That's it.

    OH, I'm having a blogfest until Sept 8th. Join in if you'd like. It's to support other bloggers.

  5. I would love to have a major portion of critiquing done on my crit. partner's newly finished MS! :-)

  6. My goal is to actually write a blog post, I swear I only write one about once a month now, I'm so lazy! Plus, I would love to finally finish this book I'm working on now, but I just haven't gotten around to it!

  7. Yay! I'm glad you're back!! My goal is to get my beginning re-re-revised.

  8. This is going to be a crazy week. I just returned from a BlogHer conference in NYC. I'm leaving for a trip on Friday. I have the on-line conference tomorrow. And I've got to coordinate for the contest that ends on Friday. Writing? I don't have any time!

  9. S.A. Larsen--no problem, and have fun on your vacation! (confession) i'm not really sure what a blogfest is, but i'll give it a look. thanks!

    Shannon--oh, great goal! good luck : )

    Tiana--i think those are perfect goals--you can do it!

    Molly--third times the charm, right?? i hope your revisions go well this time, too! : )

    Theresa--that does sound crazy! don't get too burned out!


feel free to leave as many comments as you like!

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