Tuesday, July 6, 2010

i'm back!

not that i really went anywhere...i was just VERY busy reading yesterday (hey, it was still technically a holiday!!)

FIRST, a shout-out to my new followers!! thank you, everybody, for following. i'm going to be discussing a couple of changes on my blog, so if you want to leave any feedback, please feel free!

SO, i'm considering a couple of changes here. first, i have started participating in The U Name It Check-In Challenge (see gadget on sidebar for link!!). since the check-in performs the same function as my wednesday weekly writing goals (but it takes place every friday), i'm thinking i will line up my weekly challenges with the Challege (which you should totally check-out if you haven't already!!).

here's my plan:

for the next two weeks, my blog will continue it's regular posts (weekly writing goal wednesday and fantasy friday). then, i will skip weekly writing wednesday on the 21st.

after the 21st, i will participate in SA Larsen's check-in challenge every friday, which means...no fantasy friday : (

therefore, i'm thinking i will still do book reviews on tuesday or wednesday. i'm planning on not limiting my reviews to fantasy this time, though--i'm thinking general YA fiction. although, i will probably still mostly review fantasy : )

so, what are your thoughts? do you have suggestions/angry-complaints/feedback? possibly a new catchy title for my regular Tuesday or Wednesday YA review post?


  1. That's a great plan! And reviewing YA fiction in general is great. I like fantasy, but sometimes, I do find gems in other genres. :)

  2. yes, that's why it's been a little hard to be limited to just fantasy--i've read some other great YA books that weren't fantasy that i want to share, too!!

    thanks for the feedback, Sandy!!

  3. Good titles are harder to come by then a nice BLT without the T. Middle-of-the-week Refresher? Yeah, I'm not great with titles. But the plan sounds very solid and well thought out.

  4. titles ARE hard. thanks for trying, though! i majorly appreciate suggestions!
    Thanks, SM!! my plan is feeling very pleased with itself.

  5. I think as long as you keep bringing good reviews and fun and goals and greatness, I don't care what day of the week you post what on :)

  6. I have no sugestions, just impressed you have a good plan ;-)

  7. Molly--LOL THANK YOU :)

    Christina--i'm feeling pretty happy with my plan now! thanks for the feedback!


feel free to leave as many comments as you like!

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