Wednesday, December 22, 2010

YA Highway--Roadtrip Wednesday

okay, so i don't normally do road trip wednesday (hosted by YA Highway) but the question this week was really fun, so i thought i'd give it a try.

This Week's Topic:
Give a book character a Christmas present!

so, if you could give your favorite book character a present this Christmas, what would it be?

well, i don't know about you, but i always find myself cringing when a favorite character is dashing about doing herioc-charactery things and DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO EAT!!!!

i mean, that is the worst. i myself cannot go more than six hours without food (i've tested this...and no, i don't know what happens after six hours. i never make it that far because i can usually find food by then.)

SO, even though this feels like a not-so-clever/somewhat-unoriginal response, i would choose to give one of my favorite characters (Meliara Astiar from Crown Duel/Court Duel) a nice big meal!

hey, it's a step towards ending world hunger in OTHER worlds--a noble goal, don't you think?

what character would YOU give a present to, and what would that present be?

also, in other news, my blog giveaway ends in five days (see post on extension below if you are confused). remember, you have to fill out the form to be entered! and thank you to everyone who has entered so far and promoted the giveaway--you'll see i am now well over 100 followers!! thank you so much, guys :) YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!


  1. Hmm...great question. I love Frosty, so I'd have to say his own ice palace. But he'd have to have a heated room in it just for moi!

    Happy Holidays.

  2. An excellent choice of gifts, especially since I'm reading The Hunger Games and that's exactly what those characters need! This is a tough one, I'll have to think on it...

  3. Yes! I often wonder how characters manage all that heroism on an empty stomach.

  4. Ha ha ha! Great answer, Kari!'s such a tough question, though. One of my favorite characters is Meggie from Inkheart. I would give her one of Hermione Granger's bottomless purse bags so she could carry all of her books with her. :-)

  5. Congratulations on 100 followers, Kari! :)

    Oh yes food -- it's amazing how much the characters manage to do without ever eating!

  6. Ha! That is a fun question. Loved your answer! I've noticed that, too. Hate it when characters have to go too long without food. I'd pass out for sure. I'd probably give Edward Cullen an invisibility cloak so he didn't feel like he stood out so much with all his sparkles ;) Hehe.

  7. SA Larsen--Frosty definitely deserves a break after melting in the greenhouse. good choice.

    Heather--YES, The Hunger Games has many examples of people who could use a good meal!

    Leila--isn't it surprising how often that happens?

    Shannon--i would totally love that, too! that would totally beat a Kindle (no offense to e-readers!!)

    Emy--thank you! and i know, aren't authors cruel to their poor characters? i'm always forgetting to feed my characters...

    Carolina--haha, good one!

  8. I'm reading Louise Rennison's Georgia Nicolson books. I'm on #3 now. I would give the poor girl a Tweezerman or Anastasia brow kit so that she's no longer tempted by razors.

    Happy New Year.

  9. With training, the human body can fast for about 3 days without doing any damage to its health. Check this out:

    Anyway, I would give Dirk from The Second Sons Trilogy a Rubick's cube. He'd have a good time trying to solve it.

  10. Medeia--haha, good plan!

    superjoe--i'm pretty sure i am not like the average human body. i get low blood sugar, for one thing.

    but at least your gift for Dirk is thoughtful :)


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